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Katy Thakkar wins ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship

May. 12, 2007—Katy Thakkar received a ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship awarded by the Swiss Federal government to work on a collaborative project in the summer at the Neurology clinic of the University of Zurich. She will be examining mental rotation in patients ...

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Georgene Troseth Tenure Promotion

May. 4, 2007—The Department of Psychology and Human Development is delighted beyond measure to announce that Georgene Troseth has received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor in the department. Congratulations to Georgene on a superb accomplishment!!

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Steve Hollon wins Alexander Heard Distinguised Service Professor Award

Apr. 5, 2007—To honor his contributions to the treatment and primary prevention of depression, Steve Hollon received the Alexander Heard Distinguished Service Professor Award from Vanderbilt. This award recognized his role in demonstrating the long-term efficacy o...

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