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Welcome Thilo and Kari

Aug. 15, 2017—The Department of Psychology would like to welcome two new faculty members, Thilo Womelsdorf and Kari Hoffman. Thilo received his PhD from the Georg-August University (Germany) and trained as a post-doc fellow at the Donders Institute for Brain Cognit...

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Welcome James and Amy

Aug. 15, 2017—The Department of Psychology and Human Development would like to welcome two new faculty members, James and Amy Booth James R. Booth is the Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Educational Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology and Human Develo...

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Lubinski wins George A. Miller Award for Outstanding Article in General Psychology

Aug. 7, 2017—This year at the American Psychological Association’s (APA’s) annual convention in Washington, DC (August, 2017), it was announced that David Lubinski, a member of Vanderbilt's Quantitative Methods Area in Psychology and Human Development, won the 20...

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Schneider Receives Early Career Award!

May. 24, 2017—Darryl Schneider who earned his Ph.D. in 2008 under the mentorship of Gordon Logan has been chosen as one of the 2017 Psychonomic Societies early career Award Recipients. The Psychonomic Society will confer scientific awards each year upon young scient...

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Congratulations Zach!

Apr. 10, 2017—Zach Roper, a Postdoctoral Scholar working in Geoff Woodman's Visual Cognitive Neuroscience Lab has been awarded an NEI grant titled " A comparative electrophysiological study on the mechanisms of selective attention". Well done and well deserved.  

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Congratulations Jennifer!

Feb. 22, 2017—Jennifer Trueblood has received a two-year Research Fellowship from the Alfred P Sloan Foundation. These highly prestiguous awards are given “to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise….in recogniti...

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Congratulations Geoff!

Feb. 8, 2017—Geoff Woodman has been selected as a Chancellor’s faculty Fellow in the 2017 class, a title he will hold for two years. This is one of VU’s most prestigious awards, given to twelve recently tenured faculty to recognize their accomplishments and provide...

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Congratulations Suzana!

Nov. 18, 2016—Suzana Herculano's book, entitled The Human Advantage, is reviewed in the November 24 issue of the New York Review of Books.

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Bachorowski Interviewed on NPR!

Nov. 18, 2016—NPR's Radiololab (Season 4, Episode 1) interviewed Jo-Anne Bachoroswki on her research on laughter.

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Congratulations Megan!

Sep. 23, 2016—Megan Ichinose is on the Chancellors mental health initiative committee!

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