
“There are lies, there are damned lies and there are statistics!”
Mark Twain

My advisor, Dr. Vorobeychik thinks of learning models what Arthur Weasley thought of certain magical artifacts –  “Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.” Indeed, this ideology drives most research at CERL. Under his able guidance, I’m currently involved in the research projects listed below – all of which are work in progress.

Opinion on Data Privacy in the D2C Genetic Testing space

We collect public opinion as comments about privacy concerns related to (primarily) direct to consumer genetic testing companies and methods from various online sources and use a range of natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze them.

Community Detection in Directed Weighted Networks using Vertex-local structure

We use the directedness and edge-weight information about real-world network datasets to construct effective communities, and establish a metric for measuring the quality of communities found. Our approach takes a significant theoretic detour from existing work on community detection.

Belief Propagation and Consensus Dynamics in Human Network games

Given a network of agents, and multiple (opposing) goals, we aim to study the effects of various parameters on the spread of beliefs through the network, and the resulting possible distributions of information over agents.


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