Welcome to the course blog

Hello Class,

Welcome to our course blog! I have given you a list of questions that can frame your blog posts, but I really want you to experiment with what works for you. If you have questions about specific arguments or parts of a text feel free to include these here.

Please also read over your classmates’ posts and provide comments if you feel like it. Feel free to agree, disagree, point to similarities or differences, etc.

This is a place to be in conversation with the authors and each other. And remember, we have a wide range of levels of familiarity with anthropology, from first year undergraduates to PhD students. So, please recognize that everyone will be approaching this blog differently, based on their own knowledge and experiences.

The really fantastic thing about ethnography is that each of us is an expert in cultivating our own unique view of social reality, and my goal for this blog is that we can all engage it will an appreciation for each other and some experimental joy. There is no need to write these as polished essays, this should be a fun place to explore the complex worlds we live in and that the authors we read are engaging with.

Also, I will ask everyone to include at least one discussion question in your post. And feel free to include links to relevant stories or media.

Thanks for our first contributors this week in posting in this spirit!

See everyone on Tuesday,


ps A reminder, feel free to give yourself a pseudonym on this blog. While I don’t think the blog can be found in a google search, it is visible online, so feel free to give yourself a new name for the blog if you want/prefer.


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