The two readings were very informative in a way that I did not know how evident the school-to-prison pipeline is. I went to an all-black high school where we did not have the same opportunities as our counterparts in other schools. We did not have the same advancement placement classes while we only had a few at my high school but others would have plenty. Also, we had a heavy school security presence in my school. That has always been a problem that Sofia talks about in her writing. Also, there is a way that school can be very beneficial in which it encourages the student to further their education so that they can live a very productive life when they graduate. The question I am proposing why is do we not give the same resources to the individuals that are a minority. everyone should have an equal chance and be treated fairly because that is what everyone wants for their child. How come we see a prevalent percentage of school prison pipeline in black schools or schools of color. How can we stop the school-to-prison pipeline?