While I did find this ethnography very interesting and significant, I honestly had some trouble understanding some of the concepts and specifics that Lara was talking about. However, I did really like her discussion and definition of “body-lands.” Lara states, “The concept of body-land indexes the relationships and the simultaneous co-constructions of bodies and the lands across/through/on which those bodies exist. Body-lands extend beyond mere flesh-soil into the subjectivities produced across changing body-lands, whereby the histories, contradictions, absences produced by pillaging, captivity, severance, rape, torture, and development are rendered visible, even if at times illegible” (61-62). I believe that she means that body-lands involve the connection between and the story behind the different relationships humans have amongst others and with the land they reside on. The story behind the land someone lives on can reveal so much about social constructs, the way relationships function amongst humans, the social, physical, and mental issues that impact those that occupy the land, and more. I thought Lara’s discussion on this topic and the connections she makes were very relevant and important, and have applications to different parts of all of our lives. This makes me question, where and what are places/situations in your own life that you connect to the concept of body-lands?