While reading these chapters, I was left with questions that emphasize the necessity for meticulous deliberation and deliberate implementation of this specific research approach. Although ethnography offers a detailed and all-encompassing description of a social environment from the perspective of the individuals involved, it also presents several inquiries and difficulties. How can academics effectively avoid imposing their cultural prejudices on the civilizations they are studying? How can individuals effectively address the ethical considerations that emerge while engaging deeply with a different culture? Further, what are the most effective methods for incorporating ethnography into diverse fields of study, particularly those that lie beyond the realm of social sciences? How can the time-intensive process of ethnography be balanced with the rapid requirements of certain sectors or projects?
My collective understanding of Murchison’s take on ethnography offers a profound understanding of human behaviour and civilizations that cannot be exaggerated, even in the face of these difficulties. I believe that it continues to be a potent instrument for comprehending and analyzing the planet in our vicinity, which leaves many loose ends and open-ended questions.