Field Notes

It was a cool afternoon, I walked into Kissam and was met with the smell of dining hall, not really good or bad but definitely food. There was music playing pretty loud and I was first greeted by the sights of a few dining hall staff cleaning up from the lunch rush. To my left there was an older white woman sitting behind the register. She had dark red/brown short hair and wore a black dining hall uniform instead of a white one like the chefs cleaning up from lunch. The Munchie Mart room was empty and there were coolers bordering the room. I went to one of these fridges and grabbed a blue Gatorade zero. I was worried that the woman behind the register would be annoyed by my presence, especially as I was the only student in the dining hall space. I quickly walked to the register and asked the lady how her day was going. She smiled and with a seemingly New Jersey accent she answered it was good and called me sweetheart. She asked me about mine and I replied it was good as she scanned my Gatorade. I told her I’d be paying with meal money and tried to make a point of doing so before she had to ask. I scanned my phone and she handed me my Gatorade. She smiled and I told her to have a good rest of her day, to which she replied “you too doll”. I was so relieved that I didn’t seem to be a bother to her and was comforted by her strong accent.

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