Author Archives: Olivia

Week 11

I really enjoyed the approach to ethnography that De León took in The Land of Open Graves. Not only was it really easy for me to understand and follow along with the reasons why De León thought that archaeology and studying the … Continue reading

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Week 10: Queer Freedom : Black Sovereignty

One of the aspects of this ethnography that stood out to me the most was how ofter the word “we” was used in the chapters we read this week. In the chapter about war, when Lara is discussing how she … Continue reading

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Week 6

This week’s ethnographic readings really drew me in and made me interested in this subject in a way I had never thought about before. I have always been someone who really loves and enjoys literature but hadn’t really thought about … Continue reading

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Progressivism and POC Solidarity

Shange’s description of a Spanish class with a teacher who knows all of the techniques and strategies to create a classroom environment that is anti anti-Black is something that stuck out to me from the readings this week. I would … Continue reading

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Week 3-Exceptional Violence

One of the things that stuck out the most to me from this reading was the process that Jacks Hill underwent from being a relatively safe and peaceful area of Jamaica to then becoming one where violence was common. Most … Continue reading

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[1/30] Week 2

One of the things that I appreciated and valued most about this week’s reading was the importance that was stressed on having us, as ethnographers, interrogate why and how we want to conduct our ethnographic research just as much as … Continue reading

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