Author Archives: Gwendolyn Dukes

Blog IX

So far, I really like how the author is informing the audience of one of the exploitative labor structures that exists in our society. I never thought to look at how all the different forms of forced labor exist and … Continue reading

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Had a chem test last week so I couldn’t do my usual long rambling blog post. Anyways, the author’s opening remarks about how after spending lots of time in their field the stand out details of the field site lost … Continue reading

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Blog VII

I like how the author opens up the writing giving a detailed picture of the setting. Especially with there being such a big problem with addiction, I feel like accounts that humanize addicts and make others realize how difficult addiction … Continue reading

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Blog VI

For my ethnography, like I mentioned in last weeeks blog, I’ve been having a lot of trouble getting. Large quantity of people to Inter y with. However, munchinson chapter seven reminded me that I need to alwaysa be ready to … Continue reading

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Blog V

I like to write my blogs as I’m reading so if it ever seems like I’ m missing stuff that’s why. Anyways with that being said, starting with Munchinson chapter five, already having been present in my field of study … Continue reading

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Blog IV

I really liked this weeks reading because it stressed the importance of diction and methods when advocating for change. The author’s initial description of revolutions v abolition reminded me of the quote “I don’t want a seat at the table … Continue reading

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Blog III

The first thing I thought about when the author mentions the extremely high rates of violence and poor economy of the Caribbean region is how that region was the first to be colonized by Columbus. When the author then established … Continue reading

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Field Notes

It was a cool afternoon, I walked into Kissam and was met with the smell of dining hall, not really good or bad but definitely food. There was music playing pretty loud and I was first greeted by the sights … Continue reading

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Blog II

The Munchinson reading for this week helped me understand the significance and value of ethnography. Specifically, in ethnography’s goal of looking at the non-obvious to establish themes around human existence. I could readily see from a historic point of view … Continue reading

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Blog I

When reading “A Mushroom at the End of the World”, I was happy to see it covered a topic I was interested in, the connection between capitalism and the climate crisis. One of the reasons capitalism cannot work is because … Continue reading

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