Author Archives: heylcm

PAC and Abortion Surveillance

I thought that this ethnography was a perfect example of showing how ethnographic methods can provide information that we would not be able to get from another research method or style. Something from the introduction that particularly stood out to … Continue reading

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Dixon Response

Dixon writes her ethnography in a way that directly acknowledges the subversion of expectations. For example, on the very first page of the Introduction, she discusses how pharmaceuticals and syringes are not something that you might expect when you think … Continue reading

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Thomas Reading Response

Thomas’s work really stood out to me and I loved how she built such a strong foundation in her ethnography by considering so much history, many social factors, and the role that violence so often has to play in anthropological … Continue reading

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Murchinson Chapter 2 & Chapter 3

Something that stood out to me from Chapter 3 of the Murchinson book was what comes before the formal research design that I would assume many of us are familiar with from research, science, and statistics classes. Exploratory research, specifically, … Continue reading

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