Author Archives: Jade Royster

Movement and Coolies

One detail that really stuck out to me in Mythri Jegathesan’s work was the provided definition of the term coolies, specifically the integral aspect of movement within this identifier. Jegathesan defines this aspect in several different components: “the physical move from … Continue reading

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Ethnography on Animals

This is my first time reading an ethnography of this nature, so I was curious to discover how the process would manifest in this kind of research. Immediately, I am intrigued by Abrell’s writing style and goal of making multispecies … Continue reading

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Approaching a Midwife Ethnography

From the start, I found Dixon’s approach to her ethnography to be incredibly interesting and rather well-rounded considering the intended goals of her work. When used correctly, ethnography can do exactly what we have discussed in class: unveil the non-obvious. … Continue reading

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A Historical Approach to Deconstructing Identity

Immediately, I am compelled by Thomas’ stylistic choices within her writing as well as the framework she has decided to adopt for her research. She herself states that “using reparations as a framework for thinking about contemporary problems also requires … Continue reading

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