Author Archives: Michael

Animal relationality- property vs. subject

In the introduction of his work “Saving Animals,” Elan Abrell discusses how animal consumption regimes are built on the foundational perspective of animals as property. In studying sanctuaries, Abrell displays an alternative view where animals are viewed as subjects in … Continue reading

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Dying to count- Dynamic of Healthcare Providers and Abortion

Author Siri Suh presents an interesting dynamic that healthcare providers face in her work Dying to Count. Her ethnography focuses on Senegal, a country of Islamic majority with relatively strict abortion laws. These laws coincide with cultural expectations of restraining from sexual relations … Continue reading

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Delivering Health- theme of “infrastructural violence”

An aspect of Chapter 3 which I found quite interesting was Lydia Dixon’s identification of infrastructure as a limiting and discriminating factor for widespread healthcare access in Mexico. Although Mexican programs such as Seguro Popular increased “access” to healthcare for … Continue reading

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Reflection on Exceptional Violence

One piece of Thomas’ approach to this ethnography that struck me as interesting was her position of authority on the topic due to her background. She lived in Jamacia before and comes from a Jamaican background, meaning that she holds … Continue reading

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Post 1/30- Shange’s argument for abolition

After reading the chapters from Shange’s work, one theme that stood out to me was her argument for abolition over other strategies of achieving social change. Specifically, Shange focused on Black education, and how modern structures need to be abolished … Continue reading

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