Author Archives: taylolm2

Tea and Solidarity

In this chapter, Jegathesan seeks to answer the question of how ur is experienced by the “landless citizens who continue to inhabit the industrial-residential landscape of the tea plantations” (102). The links and bonds that exist between these people resists … Continue reading

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The Pastoral Clinic

One thing I found to be very interesting was Garcia’s intention behind asking a follow-up question in regard to the reasons behind the closing of the addiction clinic. This follow-up question illuminates an entirely new dimension to the commentary, that … Continue reading

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Care and Rescue Response

Chapter 2 places great emphasis on giving a clear definition of care and explaining its applications to animals. Care is informed “by ideas about who animals are and how they should be treated” (49). Moving past the basic needs of … Continue reading

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queer freedom : black sovereignty

My favorite part of this reading was my ability to cocreate knowledge with Lara. This is a very complicated text. One that places a great responsibility on the audience to engage with, navigate, and theorize alongside the writing. It is … Continue reading

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Dying to count Intro Response

In the introduction, readers begin to learn about the presence of clandestine abortions in Senegal and the ways in which those performing post-abortion care have worked in conjunction with the carceral system in order to prosecute and investigate these abortions … Continue reading

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Ch 3 Dixon Response

In chapter three, Dixon describes what she calls maternal conditioning, which refers to the process by which “women become conditioned to behav[e] in a certain way and… [expect] certain things and to the material conditions that women find themselves in … Continue reading

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Exceptional Violence Response

I find it interesting that Thomas intent was originally to not write about violence. In an effort to work in opposition to prominent narratives around Jamaica and the people who live there, she focused greatly on things outside of violence, … Continue reading

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The Sovereign Street Ch 5 Response

Dr. Bjork-James begins chapter 5 by discussing the implications of race and space in Bolivia. I think often space and race aren’t considered as contributing aspects of resistance that amplify each other. Race and space are intrinsically connected, especially in … Continue reading

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Progressive Dystopia

I first am prompted in a manner similarly to what I believe Shange is to mention the death of Keenan. As she says, he “haunts the ethnographic text”. I believe her footnote about his death and the complexities surrounding it … Continue reading

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