Daily Archives: May 3, 2017

Covering the Cover

In a small study of patients with esophagitis or Barrett’s esophagus, a weight-lifter belt increased postprandial gastroesophageal reflux. Continue reading

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Atlas of Esophageal Disease and Intervention: A Multidisciplinary Approach

I read with great interest this hardback book, which is compiled as an atlas of esophageal diseases. The authors should be congratulated for a very nice product, which I am sure will serve as a resource to many interested in better understanding of eso… Continue reading

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Early Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Treatment With Direct-Acting Antivirals: Selection Bias or Biologically Plausible?

Conti F, Buonfiglioli F, Scuteri A, et al. Early occurrence and recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in HCV-related cirrhosis treated with direct-acting antivirals. J Hepatol 2016;65(4):727-733. Continue reading

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