A microRNA Signature Associated With Metastasis of T1 Colorectal Tumors to Lymph Nodes

Most T1 colorectal tumors treated by radical surgery can now be cured by endoscopic submucosal dissection. Although 70%–80% of T1 colorectal tumors are classified as high risk, fewer than 16% of these patients actually have lymph node metastases. Biomarkers are needed to identify patients with T1 tumors with the highest risk of metastasis, to prevent unnecessary radical surgeries. We collected data from the Cancer Genome Atlas and identified 5 microRNAs (MIR32, MIR181B, MIR193B, MIR195, and MIR 411) with significant changes in expression in T1 and T2 colorectal tumors with vs without lymphatic invasion.

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