
We thank Hsien-Hui Chung for his interest in our publication.1 We have read his arguments and we offer our response. In contrast with our results, showing increased lipid metabolism after inhibition of miR-122, a previous report by Esau et al,2 showed that miR-122 inhibition led to reduced hepatic lipid metabolism. We have addressed this difference in the Discussion section of our article. There are major differences in the experimental setups that could be responsible for the opposing results include a different strategy for free fatty acid (FFAs) induction (high-fat diet vs CL316243), miR-122 inhibitors (2′-MOE-modified antisense oligonucleotide vs antagomiR-122), amounts used (12.5–75.0 mg/kg vs 5 μg/mouse), mode of administration (subcutaneous vs hydrodynamic tail vein injection), and the time of lipid profile readout (5 weeks vs 48 hours).

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