Daily Archives: September 4, 2018

Nicotine patch shows promise in treating depression

A Vanderbilt University Medical Center pilot study of treating late-life depression in nonsmokers with transdermal nicotine has yielded some promising results, but the study’s author cautions that more study is needed. Continue reading

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Flulapalooza volunteers needed for Sept. 26 event

Clinical and non-clinical volunteers are needed as vaccinators, vaccinator helpers, documenters and patient flow guides for the 12-hour event. Continue reading

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Biomedical sciences journey starts from Simple Beginnings

Vanderbilt University welcomed 112 new doctoral students on Aug. 31 during the ninth annual Simple Beginnings ceremony in a Light Hall lecture room filled with family members and other well-wishers. Continue reading

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VUMC information guru Evans retires with fanfare

For four decades, most recently as VUMC’s chief information officer for hospitals, Nancy Evans helped lead and transform the Medical Center’s information technology enterprise. Continue reading

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“My Southern Health”: Motion-preserving spinal surgeries can offer better recovery

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Legal planning around Medicare and Medicaid presentation today

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Alzheimer’s disease screening event for adults over 50 tomorrow

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Pets of VUMC 2018 — Collection No. 6: Pets on the move

Take a walk. Go to the pool. Roll down the window and let the wind blow back your fur. Presenting the sixth collection of photographs submitted by VUMC employees to the 2018 “VUMC Voice” Pet Photo Contest. Continue reading

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Vanderbilt Health Coaching Program accepting applications through Oct. 15

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Cover 1

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