Daily Archives: July 15, 2019

New data from Vanderbilt study reveals highly variable staffing at nursing homes

Researchers who analyzed payroll-based staffing data for U.S. nursing homes discovered large daily staffing fluctuations, low weekend staffing and daily staffing levels that often fall well below the expectations of the Centers for Medicare and Medicai… Continue reading

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Health professionals who serve individuals with disabilities needed for research study

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Four extraordinary nurses win DAISY awards

DAISY Awards are given to great nurses all over the United States and in many other countries. Donna Atherton, Emily Burton, Mary Hannah Baker and Rachel Henson are Vanderbilt’s latest honorees. Continue reading

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Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Clinical Practice Guideline for the Medical Management of Pediatric Luminal Crohn’s Disease

We aim to provide guidance for medical treatment of luminal Crohn’s disease in children. Continue reading

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