Daily Archives: April 27, 2020

Attribution of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis as an Etiology of Cirrhosis for Clinical Trials Eligibility: Recommendations from the Multi-stakeholder Liver ForumΩ

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Letter: Gastrointestinal ACE2, COVID-19 and IBD – opportunity in the face of tragedy?

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Is SARS-CoV-2 Also an Enteric Pathogen with Potential Fecal-Oral Transmission: A COVID-19 Virological and Clinical Review

In as short as 3 months, COVID-19 has spread and ravaged the world in an unprecedented speed in modern history rivaling the 1918 flu pandemic. SARS-CoV-2, the culprit virus, is highly contagious and stable in the environment and predominantly transmits… Continue reading

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Recent discounts for VUMC employees from local businesses

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Osher Center offering free live-streamed guided mindfulness meditation practices

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“Discover”: 8q24 variants and haplotypes alter prostate cancer risk

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Osher Center hosting live-streamed support group for providers in light of COVID-19

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Scrubs available at the Vanderbilt Gift Shop

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New VUMC resource identifies COVID-19 funding opportunities across all scientific disciplines

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American Paper and Twine deliveries suspended; pick up orders in Medical Center North

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