Daily Archives: November 17, 2020

Paneth cell alertness to pathogens maintained by vitamin D receptors

Vitamin D exerts a regulatory role over mucosal immunity via the vitamin D receptor (VDR). While Paneth cells and their products are known to regulate the commensal and pathogenic microbiota, the role that VDRs in Paneth cells play in these responses i… Continue reading

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The Colombian chemoprevention trial. Twenty-year follow-up of a cohort of patients with gastric precancerous lesions

Helicobacter pylori eradication and endoscopic surveillance of gastric precancerous lesions are strategies to reduce gastric cancer (GC) risk. This study is the longest prospective cohort of an H. pylori eradication trial in a Hispanic population. Continue reading

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County Differences in Liver Mortality in the US: Impact of Sociodemographics, Disease Risk Factors, and Access to Care

Data have demonstrated county- and state-wide variability in mortality rates from liver disease, but data are lacking at the ‘local’ (e.g., county) level to identify factors associated with variability in liver disease-related mortality and hotspots of… Continue reading

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Editorial Board

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Table of Contents

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Elsewhere in The AGA Journals (Preview Section)

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Information for Authors and Readers

Gastroenterology is the premiere journal in the field of gastrointestinal disease and is led by an internationally renowned board of editors. As the official journal of the AGA Institute, Gastroenterology delivers up-to-date and authoritative coverage … Continue reading

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CME Exam 1: A Mysterious Case of Jaundice After Development of Skin Vesicles

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Cover 1

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CME Exam 2: Population-based Analysis of Differences in Gastric Cancer Incidence Among Races and Ethnicities in Individuals Age 50 Years and Older

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