Monthly Archives: November 2021

Blue foreign body in the esophagus

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Evaluation of early-life factors and early-onset colorectal cancer among men and women in the UK Biobank

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Potential effects of lowering colorectal cancer screening age to 45 years on colonoscopy demand, case mix and adenoma detection rate

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Expert Panel Review to Compare FDA and EMA Guidance on Drug Development and Endpoints in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis

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Table of Contents

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Spotlight: Management of Coagulation Disorders in Patients With Cirrhosis

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Clinical Decision Support Tool: Management of Coagulation Disorders in Patients With Cirrhosis

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Information for Authors and Readers

Gastroenterology is the premiere journal in theĀ fieldĀ of gastrointestinal disease and is led by an internationally renowned board of editors. As the official journal of the AGA Institute, Gastroenterology delivers up-to-date and authoritative coverage … Continue reading

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Elsewhere in The AGA Journals

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Cover 1

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