Gastroenterology 2016–2022: The End of a Road But Continuation of a Journey

Pure and Unrefined Gratitude. This phrase most closely encapsulates the collective feeling of our entire Board of Editors as we approach the end of our term. We are greatly indebted to the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) for allowing us the honor and privilege to serve as stewards of Gastroenterology, and over the past 6 years, this journey has served as an inflection point for many and left an indelible mark on our careers. As we started this incredible opportunity, we quickly learned the real-world meaning of the saying “it takes a village,” and in doing so, we happily relied on the wisdom and expertise of exceptional Associate Editors, Special Section Editors, Advisory Board members, AGA staff members, reviewers, authors, readers, members of AGA’s leadership, publishers, and others to guide us.

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