Daily Archives: September 19, 2022

AGA Clinical Practice Update on Management of Refractory Celiac Disease: Expert Review

The purpose of this expert review is to summarize the diagnosis and management of refractory celiac disease. It will review evaluation of patients with celiac disease who have persistent or recurrent symptoms, differential diagnosis, nutritional suppor… Continue reading

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Elsewhere in The AGA Journals (Preview Section)

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CME Exam 3: Age-Stratified Prevalence and Predictors of Neoplasia Among U.S. Adults Undergoing Screening Colonoscopy in a National Endoscopy Registry

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Table of Contents

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CME Exam 1: A Child With Jaundice

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CME Exam 2: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth—Pathophysiology and Its Implications for Definition and Management

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Editorial Board

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Cover 1

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