When Is Celiac Disease Celiac Disease?

More and more often, the clinician dealing with children or adults suspected of celiac disease is coping with the diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma of the “potential celiac patient,” that is, the patient who presents with elevated specific celiac serum antibodies but has a normal (or almost normal) duodenal biopsy. How to handle these people? Can we predict those who will evolve into full-blown celiac disease if left on a gluten-containing diet? Are we risking under-diagnosing or over-diagnosing celiac disease in these individuals? In their article, “Progression of Celiac Disease in Children with Antibodies Against Tissue Transglutaminase and Normal Duodenal Architecture” published in this journal, Auricchio et al1 follow a large cohort of children with potential celiac disease to try to answer these questions.

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