From birth to overweight and atopic disease: multiple and common pathways of the infant gut microbiome

Few studies, even those with cohort designs, test the mediating effects of infant gut microbes and metabolites on the onset of disease. We undertook such a study. Methods: Using SEM path analysis, we tested directional relationships between first pregnancy, birth mode, prolonged labour and breastfeeding; infant gut microbiota, metabolites and Immunoglobulin A; and childhood BMI and atopy in 1667 infants. Results: Following both cesarean birth, and prolonged labour with a first pregnancy, a higher Enterobacteriaceae/Bacteroidaceae (E/B) ratio at 3 months was the dominant path to overweight; higher E/B ratios and Clostridiodes difficile colonization at 12 months were the main pathway to atopic sensitization.

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