A Duodenal Tumor That Causes Partial Obstruction

Question: A 67-year-old woman, who is a hepatitis C virus carrier, suffered from early satiety, indigestion, and occasional abdominal fullness since 2013. Physical examination and laboratory tests were unremarkable. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy disclosed a polypoid nodule at anterior wall of duodenal bulb (Figure A). Biopsy showed inflammatory changes. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a 1.4-cm protruding, heterogeneously hypodense nodule at the duodenal bulb (Figure B, C; black arrow). Endoscopic ultrasonography with 12-MHz miniprobe showed an 18.6 × 10.8-mm isoechoic tumor with cystic change arising from the submucosal layer (Figure D).

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