Author Archives: Andrew T. Chan, Christopher S. Williams

Covering the Cover

A randomized study examined the use of autologous fecal microbiota transplantation in preventing weight regain after weight loss dieting. Continue reading

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Early Age Intestinal Dysbiosis in Patients with Celiac Disease

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Covering the Cover

A systemic review and meta-analysis showed that SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA was detected in nearly one-half of patients with COVID-19. Continue reading

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Distinct Immune Cell Signatures for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease

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Covering the Cover

A randomized, controlled trial showed that IW-3718 decreased heartburn and regurgitation among patients with refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease Continue reading

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Covering the Cover

A multicenter, double-blind, cross-over trial assessed the efficacy of gastric electrical stimulation in the management of patients with refractory vomiting with or without gastroparesis. Continue reading

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Covering the Cover

A prospective cohort study evaluated tissue transglutaminase antibodies tested at 2 time points nearly 9 years apart to examine the development of celiac disease. Continue reading

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Covering the Cover

A nationwide cohort study examined changes in risk of hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatitis C virus eradication among veterans. Continue reading

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Covering the Cover – February 2019

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Covering the Cover

In a systemic review and meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies, endoscopic surveillance among patients with Barrett’s esophagus was associated with the detection of earlier stage esophageal adenocarcinoma and may offer small survival benef… Continue reading

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