Author Archives: Mala Setty, Valentina Discepolo, Valérie Abadie, Sarah Kamhawi, Toufic Mayassi, Andrew Kent, Cezary Ciszewski, Maria Maglio, Emily Kistner, Govind Bhagat, Carol Semrad, Sonia S. Kupfer, Peter H. Green, Stefano Guandalini, Riccardo Troncone, Joseph A.

Distinct and Synergistic Contributions of Epithelial Stress and Adaptive Immunity to Functions of Intraepithelial Killer Cells and Active Celiac Disease

The mechanisms of tissue destruction during progression of celiac disease are poorly defined. It is not clear how tissue stress and adaptive immunity contribute to the activation of intraepithelial cytotoxic T cells and the development of villous atrop… Continue reading

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