Robert Drews
Coursebook: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, to the Beginnings of Modern Civilization
Chapter One. The Old Gods.pdf
Chapter Two. New Directions.pdf
Chapter Three. Israel and Judah.pdf
Chapter Four. The Babylonian Captivity and its Consequences.pdf
Chapter Five. The GrecoRoman World from Alexander to Hadrian.pdf
Chapter Six. Religion and Philosophy in the Hellenistic World and the Early Roman Empire.pdf
Chapter Seven. The Remarkable Story of Hellenistic Judaism.pdf
Chapter Eight. Decline of the Seleukids and Restoration of a Judaean Monarchy.pdf
Chapter Nine. Hasmonaean and Herodian Judaea and the Coming of Rome.pdf
Chapter Ten. New Religious Directions in Late Hellenistic Judaea.pdf
Chapter Eleven. Judaea from 4 BC to the Death of Herodes Agrippa in 44 CE
Chapter Twelve. Judaea from the Death of Herodes Agrippa to the Destruction of the Temple.pdf
Chapter Thirteen. New Covenant and Other Christianities to ca. 185 CE.pdf
Chapter Fourteen. Rabbinic and Other Judaisms from 70 to 250.pdf
Chapter Fifteen. The Roman Empire at Its Zenith to 235 CE.pdf
Chapter Sixteen. The Christian Attack on Greco-Roman Culture, ca. 135 to 235
Chapter Seventeen. The Establishment of Christendom 235 to 430.pdf
Chapter Eighteen. Judaism in Late Antiquity ca. 250 to 565.pdf
Chapter Nineteen. Muhammad and the Beginnings of Islam.pdf
Chapter Twenty. The Rightly Guided Califs and the Establishment of an Arabian Empire.pdf
Chapter TwentyOne.The Arabian Empire and its Successors, to ca. 1000.pdf
Chapter TwentyTwo. Abbasid Civilization and the Culture of Islam.pdf
Chapter TwentyThree. Christianity from the Fifth to the Eleventh Century.pdf
Chapter TwentyFour. Judaism from the Arabian Conquests to the Crusades.pdf
Chapter TwentyFive. The Crisis of the Dar al Islam through the Wars of Timur the Lame.pdf
Chapter TwentySix. Religion and Religiosity after the Crusades.pdf
Chapter TwentySeven. Catholic Europes Road to the Renaissance.pdf
Chapter TwentyEight. Beginning of the Burning Times in Western Christendom.pdf
Chapter TwentyNine. The CatholicProtestant Conflicts in Western Christendom to ca. 1700.pdf
Chapter Thirty. The Ottoman Empire Judaism and Eastern Europe to 1648.pdf
Chapter ThirtyOne. The Scientific Revolution.pdf
Chapter ThirtyTwo. Religion in Eastern Europe and the Middle East from 1648 through the Reign of Catherine the Great.pdf
Chapter ThirtyThree. The Beginnings of Religious Skepticism in Western Christendom to ca. 1720.pdf
Chapter ThirtyFour. Retrenchment and Revival in Western Christianity to ca. 1750.pdf
Chapter ThirtyFive. Enlightenment Secularism and Atheism to 1789.pdf
Chapter ThirtySix. The Beginnings of Modernity in Europe and America.pdf
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