Rise of the Machines

Article: http://www.csmonitor.com/Technology/2015/1023/Rise-of-the-machines-why-artificial-intelligence-will-power-Google-s-core

The article I found, Rise of the Machines: Why Artificial Intelligence will Power Google’s Core, explores the various ways in which machines are beginning to self-regulate and solve problems. Google CEO Sundar Pichai has announced various plans and expectations that Google, a notoriously innovative and forward-thinking company, has for the future of its machines. It is developing advanced machines that can notice patterns and even make judgments: activities that are very human and give these capabilities an uncanny quality. Machine learning will impact the way we solve problems and will increase our dependence on machines and on technology. In a much more boiled down example, iPhone autocorrect – a function that is standard on all iPhone devices – anticipates what a user is typing (or attempting to type) and often provides suggestions, as it grows familiar with the user’s language style and the user’s vocabulary. Like other spell check functions, autocorrect also understands misspelled words and corrects them. Most users (myself include) are dependent on autocorrect’s ability to anticipate and correct their words, helping to create more effective and correct messages. Machines are being given “thought vectors,” which allow computers to process language much as humans do. Machines are now crossing over from the clear-cut, black and white, data-driven activity into a promising and terrifying gray area of possibility. Machines, guided by human research initially, may one day in the near future outsmart us and outperform us in various arenas.



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