Second Life Experience

My Second Life journey started when I picked my avatar; I simply went with the one that looked most like me because it felt most comfortable. I noticed there were more male avatars than female, and wondered if more males frequented the site. My next quest was determining my user name, which proved more challenging than I expected. I didn’t want to include my name or any “lame” hobbies, so I went with a simple vandygirl99. Then, I started exploring. Of course, my first instinct was to fly. I explored my location, and determined that I was in a fixed “bubble” that I could only transport out of. Going through a portal led me to another island, where I found I could explore underwater without going up for air. After the rest of my exploring, my major question was, who sets the rules, and with what reasoning? My second question was, who was spending money in virtual worlds like this, and how much money?

Exploring underwater

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