Category Archives: Contextualization Exercise

The Buddha in the Robot

Here’s an article examining the concepts of Buddhism in robots:

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Roy’s Final Moments

A scene that really impacted me was when Roy grabs onto Deckard’s hand in order to save him. Does that make him more human or less? Deckard had killed, murdered, Roy’s lover and friends, so it could be considered human … Continue reading

Posted in Contextualization Exercise, VF for Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Blade Runner, Virtual Forums | 2 Comments

Should you donate your body to science?

Our group spent most of our time discussing the logistics and legality behind donating bodies to science. It is likely that Dr. Frankenstein did not receive the body parts he used through a legal, ethical source. However, today there are … Continue reading

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Human…or Robot? — Andrew, Luke, John, Dan

How do we define what is human? Is it by how we act, what we say, how we were created? Or are we defined by how we think, how we analyze and interact? If it is the latter, then what … Continue reading

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Body Ethics–Alex, Allie, James, and Claire

The idea of the possession of your body after death Is organ donation uncanny? Many people think so. You have to opt into it. Society assumes you contain control of your body after death even if it could be beneficial … Continue reading

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Animation and the Uncanny Valley- Max, Kat, and Imani

Animation has progressed in such a way that CGI is coming closer and closer to human-like depictions without actually using live actors. As animation in not only film and video games comes closer to reality, there becomes a closer gravitation … Continue reading

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