During class today, I talked about tides and how there is a great deal of misinformation out there.
My favorite websites for the astronomical explanation of tides are:
- A rigorously correct but a tiny bit snarky treatment – it’s my favorite: Tidal Misconceptions by Dr. Donald E. Simanek
- One of the links from the page above is a much more mathematically rigorous treatment with equations and animations: Tides and centrifugal force by Paolo Sirtoli
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ocean Service Education Tides and Water Levels page
- Dr. Sten Odenwald’s Ask an Astronomer :: 10 FAQ about Lunar Tides
The YouTube videos of the awesome spring and neap tides in Clovelly.
Here’s a great animation about tides from the Nebraska ClassAction collection of Astronomical Simulations and Animations.