Monthly Archives: January 2016

Pedagogy Seminar- Week 3

Throughout the first two classes of our seminar, we talked a lot about how Dr. G likes to make students “learn by doing.” I think that this was certainly the case during class on Tuesday. Though we spent the first half of class mostly talking about the test as well as different types of eclipses, […] Continue reading

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The Great American (solar) Eclipse

There are two different types of eclipses; lunar eclipses and solar eclipses. I want to talk today about a particular solar eclipse coming our way. The Great American Eclipse. But I regress. Solar eclipses and lunar eclipses differ in a very important way; a lunar eclipse is when Earth lies directly between the sun and […] Continue reading

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The Earth’s movement through space resembles that of a spinning top.. Continue reading

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goddess of love

Venus is many things. I don’t know much about it besides the fact that it is hot, orange, it’s the second planet in the solar system, and is the goddess of love in Roman mythology. On June 5th, 2012, a couple of days after I graduated from high school, my dad and I woke up at … Continue reading goddess of love Continue reading

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Information About Eclipses

Here are some of my favorite sites for learning about eclipses (including the upcoming Great American Eclipse!): Mr. Eclipse (the guy NASA uses) NASA Eclipse Web Site (make sure to check out the AMAZING interactive Google map!) (and their eclipse list) Of course, one can certainly use the Wikipedia article on Eclipses (you can […] Continue reading

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“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C Clarke’s third law. I stumbled on a little thing I had posted some time ago, early in September when friendships were still tentative and the air was still crisp. -We spent the weekend in a cabin four dirt trails off the everyday. At night we cracked open … Continue reading magic Continue reading

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Chase’s Solar System blog 2016-01-26 19:46:22

Earth’s Elliptical Orbit and Seasons Though a common misconception about the cause of seasons is that they are caused by the Earth’s distance to the Sun, in actuality, seasons are caused by Earth’s 23 degree axial tilt. But why do changes in Earth’s distance from the Sun have virtually no effect on temperatures on Earth? […] Continue reading

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“Goodnight Nobody, Goodnight Mush”

When we think we can’t see the moon, it can definitely see us. This doesn’t just hold true when we’re sleeping. As the children’s book, “Goodnight Moon,” goes, we may say “Goodnight” to the moon – but it’s still there outside our window and outside our atmosphere. Different parts of the moon disappear at different […] Continue reading

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Light Travel: The “New” Hyperspace

We’ve read it in our beloved science fiction books. Superheroes and intelligent beings from other worlds harness massive amounts of energy and cross through different dimensions – traveling faster than the speed of light. It’s the kind of thing space-obsessed kids (and adults, alike) dream about. We dedicate movies, like “2001: A Space Odyssey,” directed […] Continue reading

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Solar Eclipse

A total solar eclipse. Source: SoftPedia There are two types of eclipses, lunar and solar, but I’d like to talk about the latter. Solar eclipses can be broken down into four subtypes: total, partial, annular and hybrid. In order for any of these to happen, the Sun, Moon and Earth must form a straight–or almost… More Solar Eclipse Continue reading

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