Monthly Archives: January 2016

Consequences of breaking the speed limit

The effects of aberration and the Doppler Effect. Source: Comic Vine During one of the first class sessions, we were given a minute or so to write down what would happen if the speed of light was only 100 mph. I’d never really thought about this before, so I struggled to get anything more than “The… More Consequences of breaking the speed limit Continue reading

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Ahead Warp Factor One

People love to speculate about faster than light travel, but how did we come to know the speed of light? Continue reading

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On the Use of Physical Models

Since the first day of our Solar System class, I have noticed that the way the class was structured felt very reminiscent of elementary school, with all of the group workbook activities we do in class and its overall fun environment. Shelby’s point about the use of physical models in class really drove this even further for […] Continue reading

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The Eye of the Beholder…

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but is learning accomplished through the visual? Continue reading

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For the Pedagogy course

We should have a great time blogging! 🙂 Continue reading

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2016 Planetary Alignment!

As described in class, here are my two favorite articles about this alignment: Get Up Early, See Five Planets at Once! from Sky and Telescope How to View Five Planets Aligning in a Celestial Spectacle from The New York Times I happen to adore the NYT diagram because it shows the Solar System view as […] Continue reading

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Planet Nine!

Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet This is legit folks!  For those who are at a university (like Vanderbilt), this press release has a link to the actual research article in the Astronomical Journal.  It’s a bit heavy at times but well done. There’s also a pretty good article on Wired: This […] Continue reading

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This is me. This blog works. I love science, writing, singing, and enjoying the time I have to spend with my family (because I’m an international student from Lebanon, I don’t have a lot of it!) Continue reading

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This is me. This blog works. I love science, writing, singing, and enjoying the time I have to spend with my family (because I’m an international student from Lebanon, I don’t have a lot of it!) Continue reading

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For my 2016 class…

If you’re in my 2016 Solar System class, please put a comment here showing that you’ve found my blog and that you’re following it 🙂  Please include your first name and last name initial.  Note that you MUST be logged in to your own WordPress blog when commenting or else you’re doing it wrong! Also […] Continue reading

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