Monthly Archives: March 2016

I See You!

Hey Guys, Don’t know if you remember all the way back to the beginning of the seminar when I had my first blog post and talked about learning styles, we’re going to (sort of) revisit that idea by focusing on the visual. As you may have noticed (especially lately), it seems like we’ve been spending […] Continue reading

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Questions, questions

O: The ultimate goal of testing is to measure what the students actually understand and according to the book Dr. G lent me, the most difficult part in creating these exams is that they are inherently nonobjective because question structure and wording are undeniably subjective and can greatly influence a student’s success on a question […] Continue reading

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enough energy to power the world forever

for years people have been advocating for countless alternative ways to generate energy to power our ever-industrializing world (hint: fossil fuels are unsustainable!!) whereas nuclear fission generates massive amounts of electricity by splitting atoms apart but also generating radioactive waste, fusion is incredibly pristine and produces no waste byproducts! it is, after all, the process … Continue reading enough energy to power the world forever Continue reading

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Where’s Waldo?

You thought finding Waldo was hard, searching for life in the universe might be a little harder… Continue reading

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hawking radiation

on my flight back from amsterdam at the end of spring break, i finally had the opportunity and wherewithal to watch the theory of everything, the stephen hawking biopic from a couple of years ago. it got me thinking about a lot of things from my physics education in high school and more recently my pursuit … Continue reading hawking radiation Continue reading

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When the Sun Shows Off

  There’s a spectacular light show every year at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. The grand venue boasts thousands and thousands of lights each year around Christmas. Yet, you don’t have to find a $30 parking spot at a debatably overrated hotel to see a grand, sparkling event. In fact, there’s a place giving […] Continue reading

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UY Scuti

The size of the Sun is difficult to comprehend. With a diameter of 865,000 miles, The Sun has the volume of 1.3 million Earths. If we were to place the Earth next to the Sun, we would simply see a tiny spec next to the Sun. However, the Sun is not even close to the […] Continue reading

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What’s eating at Pluto?

What’s going on under the surface of pluto? The New Horizons probe passed Pluto just last year, after a nine year journey to the Kuiper Belt. Over the last few months, images from the probe have been being received back here on Earth. These images are the most high quality photos of Pluto we have ever […] Continue reading

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As climate change heats up, Arctic residents struggle to keep their homes

The Guardian published an intriguing article today regarding climate change and the huge impact it is having on our planet. More specifically, the impact it is having near the North Pole. It describes the rising temperatures and rising sea levels and the impact that this has on people residing in this area. The scariest part? […] Continue reading

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The event horizon of a black hole is the point of no return. When an object gets close to this event horizon, extreme tidal forces from the black hole create a gravitational field that is so strong it begins to compress objects into long, thin shapes, like spaghetti. These are the same tidal forces we’ve discussed… More Spaghettification Continue reading

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