enough energy to power the world forever

for years people have been advocating for countless alternative ways to generate energy to power our ever-industrializing world (hint: fossil fuels are unsustainable!!)


whereas nuclear fission generates massive amounts of electricity by splitting atoms apart but also generating radioactive waste, fusion is incredibly pristine and produces no waste byproducts! it is, after all, the process which powers our Sun, and the ability to harness that kind of power would mean an absolute reshaping and rethinking of how we power our lives on earth – and the potential that offers for humanity. earlier this year, a team in germany successfully produced and sustained hydrogen plasma for the first time on earth. it lasted only a quarter of a second, but it was enough to prove that it could be done on earth!

the possibilities for clean, limitless energy are endless. what would you want your world to be like where everyone had access to clean energy forever?

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