I See You!

Hey Guys,

Don’t know if you remember all the way back to the beginning of the seminar when I had my first blog post and talked about learning styles, we’re going to (sort of) revisit that idea by focusing on the visual.

As you may have noticed (especially lately), it seems like we’ve been spending a lot more time being lectured instead of doing the types of activities that comprised most of our lecture time in the last few units. How do you think Dr. G’s recent lectures are similar to and different from lectures in other classes?

One thing that really sticks out are all of the visuals. In most of my current classes, power points are pretty boring- they usually involve outlines of major points and if my professor is being creative, one of the pre-built themes from Microsoft office. But Dr. G includes lots of pictures. Do you find them helpful? Do they confuse you sometimes? Dr. G sometimes points out problems with certain representations, why do you think she chooses to use these representations anyway?

And lastly, we’ve seen different types of visual representations: physical (like the sports balls), images, viedos, which do you think is most effective and why?

Look forward to hearing your responses!



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