Monthly Archives: March 2016

Seven Minutes of Terror

On August 5th, 2012, the Curiosity rover touched down on Mars. The most crucial part of its journey to Mars weren’t the 8 months travelling the space, but rather the final descent, called Entry Descent Landing  (EDL) which was dubbed ‘Seven Minutes of Terror‘. It’s called this because the rover had 7 minutes to get from the top of Mars’… More Seven Minutes of Terror Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion: the Energy Source of the Future?

Though the power of the Sun is quite amazing, the Sun is simply a giant, burning ball of hydrogen. Due to the immense gravity of the Sun, hydrogen particles at the Sun’s core are under enough pressure that they collide with one another despite the force of the positive charges to repel one another. In […] Continue reading

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These Are Not the Droids We’re Looking For

Knowledge is power. We want more and more of it. It’s no surprise, then, that we see the Solar System as a well full of knowledge we’ve never encountered before. So, we send spacecrafts out into the Solar System, looking for information. We want pictures, data, surprises, and (now) sound. We’re obsessed. But we too often […] Continue reading

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Pillars of Creation

The above photo is a picture captured by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope of what is now known as the “Pillars of Creation.” Located in the Eagle Nebula, which is around 6,500 – 7,000 light years away from Earth, the structures are named as such because of their pillar-like shape, as well as because the gas […] Continue reading

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Problems of Nuclear Fusion for Energy

Scientists have known how to use the process of nuclear fusion as a weapon for over 50 years at this point. However, we have yet to find a way to repurpose it as a safe, nearly unlimited energy source. One of the main issues that researchers are facing with trying to tackle this issue is […] Continue reading

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Pedagogy Seminar- Week 7

Kelsey  Hey guys! It’s been a while. I’d like to direct this blog towards a more broad perspective –at least more broad than: “Why was that chapter relevant to our course?” With our final project ideas in mind, I think it makes sense to look at the application of different tactics by Dr. G in […] Continue reading

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Space: The Final Frontier…

These are the voyages of the space probe New Horizons . Its continuing mission: to explore strange dwarf planets, to seek out new objects and new data sets, to boldly go where no probe has gone before… Continue reading

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