Wow. In these last few months, we have gone over the entire cosmic calendar. The last topic of the class, life elsewhere in the universe, covered stuff that hasn’t even happened on this calendar yet. In this class, I really believe I’ve learned a lot of material, rather than memorizing a lot. Studying for this upcoming final, I feel rather prepared and confident.
Something that amazes me is that we as humans have really not existed for that long, yet we’ve come such a long way. We know so much. I’m extremely excited to see what we will accomplish in the next minute, hour and day of the cosmic calendar. Another thing I find fascinating is that this calendar isn’t complete. As we learn more about the Universe, we are filling in gaps and dates in the cosmic calendar. We’re trying to get a very detailed itinerary of how we came to be.
Something that interests me is that this is a class covering the Solar System, the last few months of the cosmic calendar. And yet, we aren’t even 100% sure of everything that occurred during this time. Heck, even the last week is a blur. And not only is it a blur for our Solar System, it’s a blur for our galaxy and any other planetary system out there. Even when we know everything we possibly can about our galaxy and solar system, there is still going to be so much to learn about the other billion ones out there.