Updates on a few cool things we talked about in our first class

People seeing an astroid hit the Moon! This is an article from a pretty cool (and legit) astronomer – Dr. Phil Plait. An asteroid impacted the moon during the lunar eclipse!

Europa’s colorful cracks maybe tholins but totally maybe aren’t! I liked this article by a non-scientist – it’s well-written and researched (and they make a great point about what’s available to read at the end 😉 ). The Colors of Europa: What’s That Red Stuff on Europa’s Surface? I also found this cool article from the European Space Agency: Blood-red scars and veins on Europa

AND here’s an image of Saturn’s super thin rings with some of the various moons in the image too!

shows Saturn's thin rings and four of the moons
As found on Astronomy Picture of the Day: In, Through, and Beyond Saturn’s Rings
Image Credit: Cassini Imaging TeamISSJPLESANASA
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