The Total Lunar Eclipse of January 2019!

This total lunar eclipse will be the last non-partial one Earthlings can observe until 2021. There will be several partial lunar eclipses, but no totals :-/ Total lunar eclipses are the neat ones because the Moon turns yellow-y, then orange-y, then copper-y, then red! Note that this eclipse is going to be LONG – FIVE HOURS LONG. Well, the good part will be 3.5 hours long. My recommendation for observing a lunar eclipse is go look, then go do something else for at least 5 minutes, 10 minutes is probably better. Then look again and you should see a change! If you continuously look, you won’t see the gradual change.

A couple of great websites to use to investigate timing and what you can expect are:

Eclipse diagram with key timepoints with TIMES IN UT (not in Central!!)
from Sky & Telescope – Leah Tiscione

Screenshot of key timepoints for the 2019 January lunar eclipse for Nashville, TN specifically. Note that the good action starts with the partial eclipse start and ends when the partial ends.

Lunar eclipses are visible from the whole nighttime side of Earth so lots of people get to see these (as opposed to total solar eclipses). They also don’t need any special eye protection because you don’t need any to look at the Full Moon any other time and all that’s happening is the Full Moon will get dimmer. You’ll be fine 🙂

Also, people are all ga-ga over “The Super Wolf Blood Moon” but you don’t need the hyperbole. It’s a cool experience regardless. If you want to know why the name is that, check out the “Trivia” at

So have you ever seen an eclipse? Which kind of eclipse and what kinds of things did you notice or feelings did you have?

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