Category Archives: Logistics

Pedagogy Seminar- Week 7

Kelsey  Hey guys! It’s been a while. I’d like to direct this blog towards a more broad perspective –at least more broad than: “Why was that chapter relevant to our course?” With our final project ideas in mind, I think it makes sense to look at the application of different tactics by Dr. G in […] Continue reading

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SCED: The Value of Current Events

Friends, peers, and Rani: Thank you for taking the time to come to my blog post. It was another very exciting week in Astronomy 2110, making my job today easy. First and foremost, we must comment on Dr. G’s style choice on Thursday. My dad, who sat in on the class, cannot stop telling family […] Continue reading

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SCED: The Science of Perspectivism

Hey guys! Rani and I have been talking a lot about perspective for this week’s blog. First, I wanted to think about the place historical context holds in a STEM course similar to this one. Dr. G mentioned last Tuesday that our lecture about historic science (Copernicus, Tycho, Gallileo, etc.) would likely be the last […] Continue reading

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Pedagogy Seminar- Week 3

Throughout the first two classes of our seminar, we talked a lot about how Dr. G likes to make students “learn by doing.” I think that this was certainly the case during class on Tuesday. Though we spent the first half of class mostly talking about the test as well as different types of eclipses, […] Continue reading

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The Eye of the Beholder…

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but is learning accomplished through the visual? Continue reading

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