Training Resources: Developing Ally Knowledge and Skills

Terms and Definitions

Oasis CenterĀ Glossary of Common Terms

This brief glossary from Just Us at the Oasis Center offers definitions for terms often used in discussing gender identity, expression, and sexual orientation.

Gender and Sexuality Unicorn

Use this visual teaching tool to explain the difference between gender identity, gender expression, assigned sex, sexual attraction and romantic attraction to your students.

An Ally’s Guide to Terminology from GLAAD

This easy-to-use glossary from GLAAD offers definitions, usage examples, and terms to avoid when talking with LGBTQ students.

An LGBTQ Glossary from UCSF

This simple glossary offers definitions for many commonly used words in the LGBTQ community.

General Training Slides

Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools Full-Day Summer Training – Interactive Lecture

Want to review what you learned at the summer training? These are the slides from a full-day interactive training that over 50 school personnel attended in July 2015.

Insert Pam’s slides from one hour MNPS training

Creating a Safe Environment

Guidelines for Being An Ally to LGBT students

This basic document from the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) offers practical dos and don’ts for school personnel who want to be allies to LGBTQ students.

Safe & Affirming Questions for LGBT Students

This document from Just Us at the Oasis Center offers sample questions for adults who wish to establish trust with LGBTQ students.

Internet Links to a Wide Variety of Resources

Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network

The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) is a leading provider of research, resources, and policy briefs specifically focused on schools and students. The website offers tools, opportunities to take action, and scholarship around all facets of LGBTQ life.

Gay-Straight Alliance Network

The Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Network is a national organization that hosts events, offers resources, and provides a directory of GSAs. The website offers specific recommendations for those in any stage of GSA involvement and has many suggestions for meetings and school-wide initiatives.

LGBT History Month

Although LGBTQ history month is October, this website offers resources schools could use year-round. Primarily focused on notable LGBTQ figures in history, this website provides biographies and videos that educators could incorporate into their curricula.

Safe Schools Coalition

This well organized and easy-to-use website provides resources for youth and educators sorted by type, location, and target audience, including curricular supports, hotline numbers, and policy briefs.