
The Invisible Hands of Political Parties in Presidential Elections: Party Activists and Political Aggregation from 2004 to 2012. Palgrave Pivot, 2013. With Andrew Dowdle, Song Yang, Patrick Stewart and Karen Sebold.

Party Cohesion in Presidential Races: Applying Social Network Theory to the Pre-Primary Multiple Donor Network of 2004 and 2008.” Party Politics 21.4 (2015): 638-648. With Song Yang, Andrew Dowdle, Patrick Stewart and Karen Sebold.

The Political Geography of Campaign Finance: Fundraising and Contribution Patterns in Presidential Elections, 2004-2012. Palgrave Macmillian, 2015. With Joshua L. Mitchell, Karen Sebold, Andrew Dowdle and Patrick A. Stewart.

“The Political Geography of Campaign Finance: Contributions to 2008 Republican Presidential Candidates.” PS: Political Science & Politics 45.04 (2012): 688-693. With Karen Sebold, Andrew Dowdle and Patrick Stewart.