Working Papers

“Why do bureaucrats give? Campaign contributions to presidential candidates 2004-2012.” Under Review. Contributing Bureaucrats

“Politics or Performance in Agency Personnel Turnover.” With Kathleen Doherty and David Lewis. Under Review. Working Paper Here. Featured in the Washington Post on the Monkey Cage blog.

“Partisan Turnover in the Permanent Civil Service” Presented at APSA 2017. Currently being revised. Manuscript available upon request.

“How ‘Political’ are Federal Agencies” Presented at MPSA 2017. Currently being revised. Manuscript available upon request.

Campaign Style: Candidates’ Expenditure Allocation Strategies in the U.S. House, 2003-2014.” With Hye Young You. Presented at EPSA 2017. Currently being revised. Manuscript available upon request.

“Pay for Performance or Pay for Politics?” With Mark Richardson. Presented at MPSA 2016. Limbocker_Richardson_MPSA_2016