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Update on 3/27/20

Mar. 27, 2020—This week, due to the transition to working virtually, we focused on the tasks given by our instructor to strengthen and give fullness to the model we created while on campus.   Predictive Failure Model: We predicted the way in which the model we had created might encounter issues when implemented in a clinical setting....

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Update #7 – Week of February 17

Feb. 21, 2020—This week we made good progress in all three characteristics we desire for our device, but especially so in our preliminary testing for an optimal method of compression application. We met with Dr. Curci and Nathan, a representative from Hanger prosthetics, who supplied us with more insight on the directions we are taking.   Compression:...

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Update #2

Jan. 13, 2020—Order for Spring Prototyping We have successfully research and complied a list of items to be ordered for our project. These will cover the main desired functions of the sleeve: to prevent edema and monitor skin perfusion actively.   Edema Prevention To actively attempt to prevent edema post operation, we plan to implement mechanically inflatable...

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Update #1

Nov. 5, 2019—With the assistance of Dr. Curci, we have been researching and exploring the problem space. We are trying to control edema in patients with leg amputations, without impacting skin perfusion in the process. Edema, the buildup of fluid in cavities or tissues of the body, can be very detrimental to amputees, as it can change...

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