Welcome to my Vanderbilt website. I am a PhD student in the the Education Leadership, Policy, and Organizations program in Peabody College, a Quantitative Methods PhD Minor in the Quantitative Methods program within the Psychological Sciences department, and an Experimental Education Research Training (ExpERT) fellow. My research interests concern the intersection of teacher evaluation and professional growth, and teacher and teaching quality. To explore these topics I employ a variety of methodologies, although I typically draw on quasi-experimental research designs and structural equation modeling.
At Vanderbilt I have written multiple reports to districts regarding their instructional improvement efforts, conducted a comprehensive validation study of the Tennessee Educator Survey, participated in a program evaluation of instructional improvement efforts in Abu Dhabi, and analyzed educator perceptions of the Tennessee teacher evaluation system using both qualitative data and survey responses in an effort to determine how these perceptions might depend on the method of data collection. Please see my CV for further information concerning conference presentations and publications.