About Me

Prior to my studies at Vanderbilt I was a classroom teacher, teacher representative in various professional organizations, and worked for the Kentucky Department of Education. While working for the Kentucky Department of Education I designed and implemented programs focused on improving the quality of instruction, the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, and teacher leadership across Kentucky school systems; to do this work I interacted with classroom teachers, principals, superintendents, and school/ district support staff. I served in multiple leadership positions within the Jefferson County Teachers Association, Kentucky Education Association, Kentucky Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the Kentucky Committee for Mathematics Achievement.

I am happily married to Dr. Amy English Hunter and we are the proud parents of a gregarious boy. When I am not studying or working I spend nearly all free time with my family.

Here are a few of my favorite sources of entertainment: Radiohead, most Baroque music, most Afro-Soul music, The Big Lebowski, David Lynch, Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, and Bret Easton Ellis.

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